Purpose of Clubs
Little Flower Clubs offer plenty of opportunities for students to take on leadership roles and show off their talents through different activities. Such initiatives enable the students to discover that they can be productive. This increases their level of confidence and their sense of independence.
Altar Servers
Alter server members participate in weekely masses as well as community masses.
Chess Club
More and more scientific studies have confirmed that children who are taught chess, in addition to their regular courses, do better in school. Studies report that chess helps develop valuable reading and decision-making skills, and improves students’ ability to concentrate. Chess club meets twice a month and the school hosts a tournament once a year where club members can compete for trophies and prizes.
Open to students in grades 4-8. Meets once to twice a month after school.
National Junior Honor Society
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is an international student organization that consists of chapters in middle schools. The NJHS was founded by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, and today has chapters in the United States.
School Announcements
Students lead the morning and afternoon prayers and announcements.
Rosary Club
Every Thursday in our Campus Ministry Siters from the Sevants of the Pierced Heart of Mary and Jesus lead us in prayers of the Rosary.
Student Council
Each member upholds all school rules, promotes school spirit, fosters good citizenship and provides a positive example through overall conduct, effort and grades. The Student Council serves to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership as representatives of the students, staff and community members of our school.
President (8th Grader)
Vice President (7th-8th Grader)
Secretary (6-8th Grader)
Homeroom Representative (One per Grade 4th-8th Grade)
The Student Council will conduct fundraisers for the food pantry, school spirit activities and sports and clubs. Members will work together with the principal to enhance the students’ experience.
Elections will take place during first week of school and members will meet twice a month with the school representative Mr. Randall.