Giving Online is EASY!
Thank you for supporting our parish and the Catholic community!
If you would like to setup online giving to our parish, whether it be a one time payment or a recurring payment, please fill out the form below. Credit card payments can now be made online for Mass Intentions (call the office first for availability), weddings, and funerals.
(If the form does not appear instantly please allow a few moments for it to load).
Little Flower Church depends on the generosity of her parishioners and visitors. Your donations benefit the parish in endless ways, from helping with building maintenance & upgrades, assisting in the funding of existing & new liturgical programs to planning parish events to strengthen our community.
We accept two (2) convenient ways of one-time and recurring contributions:
- Electronic Funds Program (EFT), which can be done by printing, filling out and returning the form below to our office.
- Online giving program “Give Now“, which by setting up an account and signing in, you are able to directly send your contribution to our parish safely and conveniently!
The sharing of your God-given “treasure” is greatly appreciated!
The EFT Program is offered to allow you the convenience of making your contribution without having to lift a pen to write a check or reach in your wallet for cash.
This is a simple program and is an alternative to weekly envelopes. All contributions are automatically deducted from checking or savings accounts or charged to a credit card on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. Contributions are directly deposited to the Church’s checking account, following donor instructions. You can still use your weekly envelopes if you wish, just print EFT on it before you put your envelope in the collection basket. If you would like to enroll in this program click on the link below, print and fill out the form and return to the rectory office. If you have any questions, please contact the office (954) 922-3517.
EFT Church Donations (PDF)