
Preparation for Baptism

We recommend a period of two to four months for parents to prepare for this special sacrament.

Parents and godparents must participate in the Baptism Preparation Class for Parents and Godparents. It may be taken at Little Flower or at another parish. If the class is completed at another parish, a Certificate of Attendance (or equivalent) must be provided to our office.

For more information regarding the days and times of classes, email: or call our parish office (954) 922-3517.

Enriching Baptism Resources for Parents & Godparents

We highly recommend that all parents and godparents join FORMED.

FORMED is a free, online Catholic website that offers amazing resources and videos for parents and godparents who are planning a child’s baptism.

Reborn explores the deeply personal power of Baptism, bringing to light the spiritual reality for parents and godparents and, most importantly, the child being baptized. Rendered with a cinematic beauty that’s become the hallmark of the Augustine Institute’s film productions, Reborn presents the foundation of the Church’s teaching on Baptism, with a step-by-step explanation of the rite itself, including its profound place in Scripture and Tradition.

Godparents & Their Role

The person being baptized must have at least one godparent.  Usually, there are two (2) godparents. If there are two godparents, one must be male and the other female.  The godparent must be a person whose Christian influence on the person is strong and permanent.

Godparents must provide our office with a completed Godparent Form from the registered parish stating that they meet the following requirements to be a godparent to the child being baptized.

Requirements to be a Godparent:

  • Must be a least sixteen (16) years of age
  • Must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Must be actively participating in the Catholic faith
  • If married, must be in the Catholic Church

Note:  Parents or step-parents of the child cannot serve as godparents.

Required Documents

  • Birth Certificate of the child to be baptized (Original or court certified copy)
  • Completed Baptism Registration Form
  • Godparent form from registered parish and Class Attendance certificate
  • Parent Approval, if applicable:  The Archdiocese of Miami requires that both parents approve or concur with the baptism of the child. If the parents are not married to each other or one of the parents is not Catholic, then a notarized Letter of Permission to Baptize is required from the non-custodial parent or non-Catholic parent.

Registration & Active Participation

The Church of Baptism is the church where all subsequent Sacraments are recorded.  The Church of Baptism is then the “home” church for the person and is part of the life of the person from then on.  As a rule, an adult is to be baptized in his or her proper parish church and an infant in the proper parish church of the parents. (CC857) The expectation of the church is that the Church of Baptism is where the family is actively participating in the faith.

Parishioners of Little Flower Catholic Church should be registered with the parish and actively participating in the life of the parish community.

Baptism Offering

Parish Baptism Envelopes will be provided for those who want to make a donation in thanksgiving on the occasion of the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism.

Baptism Ceremony

  • Reception of the Child
    • Naming of the Child
    • Statement of intentions by the parents & godparents
    • Claiming for Christ
  • Celebration of God’s Word & Preparation for Baptism
    • Readings from the Holy Scripture
    • Homily
    • Intercessions
    • Litany of the Saints
    • Prayer of Exorcism & Anointing before baptism
  • Celebration of the Sacrament
    • Blessing of the Baptismal Water
    • Renunciation of sin & Profession of Faith
    • Baptism
    • Anointing with Chrism
    • Clothing in white garment
    • Lighted candle
    • Ephphetha (Prayer over the ears & mouth)
  • The Lord’s Prayer & Blessing